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Eole - october 15, 2009

Today, I rode Eole alone in the large outdoor arena which was completely empty. Clear sky, chill wind, a good Autumn weather for riding. Ins...

Monday 9 November 2009

Eole - november 5, 2009

Alone in the large indoor arena (chill rain pouring outside). Eole was a bit stiffer than usual, so I extended the walk session with usual relaxation exercises (descentes d'encolure, cession de machoire on high neck). He warmed up nicely and we could do SI, and LY with outer bend. When it came to half-pass, the one to the left was not fully satisfactory (not as neat and fluid as usual). So I ceased and we went into posting trot. Good lowering of the neck and quiet cadence. Sitting trot was used for small circles in a corner, with change of hand inside along a S shape. I did not impose on him and was glad to see that he did it well, without showing resistance which would have revealed stiffness again. Working on a small circle in a corner is an exercise that I have mentionned already, and learnt from a Nuno Oliveira video. It is very good because it bends the horse without letting him escape nor increase his pace. It is an excellent preparation to canter. At the beginning of the canter session, my request must have been a bit strong, because Eole kicked once (or maybe it was the stiffness again). But afterwards it went just great, at slow pace and very round. I did not ask him for pirouette, because I was concerned that it might have been too much for him that day. We did a lovely suite of 6m circles every three strides on the large side, both leads. Mellow mouth contact, slow pace, soft balance - delightful.
When we went back to stables, I pondered over this stiffness issue. Eole is now 18 years, and despite his lovely forwardness and his still young and lively appearance, I will have to take this into account and adjust our work accordingly.I will also check with his owner for a vet advice.

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